Breadcrumbs and schema markup

Breadcrumbs In digital scenario, breadcrumbs are structural navigation systems used in user interfaces to provide users with a way to locate themselves within the structure of a website. Breadcrumbs show the traveled path by the user and/or the depth where... Continue

ScriptCase 9 Macro Documentation

SQL sc_begin_trans This macro starts a set of transations in the database. sc_change_connection This macro dynamically change the application connections. sc_commit_trans This macro effective a set of transations in the database. sc_concat With this macro you can concat fields on... Continue

PHP session - Behind the scenes

Have you ever wondered what is happening internally when you use PHP session? Or how and where data are kept when navigating through different pages? In this article you will learn how PHP manages sessions and what is happening behind... Continue

File upload using AJAX (+jQuery)

A bit of history In the early years, there was no way to upload files using AJAX/JavaScript that would work in the most recent browsers without having to write different code for specific browsers. One of the most common ways... Continue

How to check if CAPTCHA is valid (in ScriptCase)

Some time ago I had to implement CAPTCHA in a Control application in ScriptCase. I didn’t have trouble implementating it, as it’s very simple: menu “Control” section “Security” option “Use captcha” should be “Yes” But I also had to control... Continue

Image preview before upload

Showing preview of files before uploading them to a server, specially for images, is a really interesting functionality for users and is quite simple to implement. It’s possible to show preview even on heavily AJAX-based web pages/applications, as the preview... Continue